The singer and actris Lindsay Lohan that recently salio of rehabilitation
for the second time I peacefully say that this time this much but with same
himself since it did you pass them with its father to who not veia from towards
already 4 years. As far as its exit of rehabilitation and all the series of
escandalos that brought with himself it said that "they do not create
everything what they read in magazines or they see in television and Internet"
with respect to the rumors of its possible one recaida.
With internacioneles suffers delivery of Latin American prizes MTV many stars
nevertheless visItited Mexico, The Cure, Avril Lavinge, 30 Seconds To Mars,
Juans peo etc. who I have been the night was the singer and actris Hilary
Duff how bright radiating in the Green minidress, and when questioning to
it about its figure it said him that was result of exercises constant and
diet balanced, aditionaly of that now they have one persepcion different about
which it is to be thin, and is that we do not let remember that the star of
Material Girls underwent of anorexia.
To the last shout of the fashion,
the latest in tendency for this season is the overall of a piece to white
rays and black... no, it hopes, that is a prisoner uniform.
Then if and it is that now the visits to the jail are fashionable and is that
he has not been single one the one that to stepped on the jail but several
famous ones, besides which they have been saved to go. But as for famous the
everything one treats about glamour and fashion we presented/displayed to
them here to these starred shining the same dress the question is the one
who look better send you answer to the fashion-mail ([email protected])
soon to publish the winner of this challenge.
Actor Rusell Crowe I declare to the means which during filamacion of one pelicula
in 1995 where compartio screen with also actor Leonardo Diaprio this was even
virgin and who spoke all along you approach of, soloen that then tapeworm
17 years of edad.Ademas said that gustaria to meet cone to him to platicar
of its experiences depues of that.
And when already creiamos aver sight everything of
the Britney they leave with this and is that he is that a North American photographer
sold in a public auction by Internet the sock that takes the mark of the wheel
of the automobile that handled the controverted Britney Spears when it the
past ran over it in a parking of Beverly Hills 18 of October, you are animated
to buy it?
The actris and singer Susana Gonzales how just have his first son said in a interview that she went to USA to do a casting for be the star of the Bond Girl. To this casting went actrises like Marlen Fabela and Ludwica Paleta too.
In the last week of the fashion which I am carried out in the city of Mèxico
Blond Paulina I carry out another one safarrancho, where nonqueizo to give
interviews and it is that as were to be expected it went boarded by the average
ones that querian an interview, although what annoying but to the press it
was the commentary of the gilded girl: "they actuen like human beings
not like animals"
And it is that socialite Paris Hilton said that realizaria a trip to Rwanda
Africa to help the population that nevertheless is in a crtica situation viajewfue
suspended, but calm even there are hopes of which it is deborada by a lion
since organizacion of which she is voluntary said that to the single trip
delay and which already they estan looking for a new date for the trip of
lsocialite of Hollywood, and it is that Paris volume this decision depsues
to leave prison where it said that queria to clean his image and to have a
new attitude on the life
This month in King Drama
this an actor who although it is spoken of which boigrafia is a star of single
Hollywood being handsome Czech his, its life, its beginnings, him real property
rental and the fameand the fortune.
See the pick on zoom right now just
clic. and ready.